Sharpen your sailing knowledge and sign up for one of our sailing classes. Course Dates shown on our website If these dates do not work for you, the manager will be happy to share other dates that are available OR is willing to create a class schedule that fits best with your availability. (weekdays or weekends)
Lake St. Clair Sailing School is one of the accredited American Sailing Association (ASA) schools in the nation, The introduced sailing certification over 30 years ago. Today, there are more than 300 sailing schools worldwide and half a million ASA-certified sailors.
ASA 101 & 103 Study Guide

Basic Keelboat / Basic Cruising
Our knowledgeable ASA and CYA sailing instructors have put together a concise and accurate 101 and 103 sailing study guide to help you study for your ASA 101 & ASA 103 Basic Keelboat and Basic Cruising Exams. Our 101 and 103 sailing study guide will help you easily pass your ASA 101 Basic Keelboat and ASA 103 Basic Cruising exams. Remove the pressure associated with preparing for exams – we have done all the preparation for you..
This is what we cover:
- Boat parts ASA 101/103 Study Guide
- Sails and sail controls
- Ahead, Astern, Abeam
- Helm Commands
- True Wind and Apparent Wind
- Points of Sail
- Sailing by ‘The Lee’
- Rules of the Road (Colregs)
- Lateral Aids to Navigation – Buoys
- Vessel Registration
- Oil Pollution Placard
- Garbage Placard
- Marine Sanitation Devices (MSD)
- Ventilation
- Backfire Flame Control
- USCG Required Safety Equipment
- Navigation Lights
- Float/Sail Plans
- Reporting Boating Accidents
- Boating Under the Influence (BUI)
- Securing a Vessel to a Dock
- Knowing your Knots
- Recommended Safety Equipment
- Stowing Gear
- Safety Harness
- Refueling Procedures
- Basic Coastal Navigation
- Dangers of a ‘Lee Shore’
- Marine Weather Information
- Cumulus and Cumulonimbus Clouds
- Small Craft Advisory and Gale Warning
- Telltails
- Sail Combinations and Wind Strength
- Heaving To
- Responsibilities of the Skipper and Crew
- Operating in Restricted Visibility Conditions
- Sound Signals – Inland
- Diving Flags
- Anchoring
- Getting a Crew Overboard back onboard
- Cold Shock
- Hypothermia – symptoms and treatment
- Sources of Fires and Explosions
- Immediate Actions to be taken in different Urgent Situations
As you can see, we cover all the Basic Keelboat and Basic Cruising sailing standards. Contact us if you have any questions.
To ensure that you will pass your ASA 101 Basic Keelboat and ASA 103 Basic Cruising examinations, we provide you with a 62 question 101 and 103 practice exam and answer key.
After reading our Basic Keelboat and Basic Cruising Sailing Study Guide, you will be able to answer the following questions with ease:
- When do I need to reef my sails?
- When is a vessel a passing or an overtaking vessel and what collision regulations apply?
- A vessel motor sailing after dusk should display what lights?
- You are sailing in fog, what sound signals should you make?
- What’s the first thing you do when you discover your vessel is taking on water?