ASA 101, Basic Keelboat Sailing

Learn to skipper a 20′ – 27′ sloop-rigged keelboat by day, in light to moderate winds and sea conditions. Learn basic sailing terminology, parts and functions, helm commands, basic sail trim, points of sail, buoyage, seamanship and safety including basic navigation rules to avoid collisions and hazards.
ASA 101
Learn the fundamentals of keelboat sailing, including sail theory and practice, terminology, Rules of the Road, safety equipment and procedures, Crew Overboard drills, more sailing practice, knots and much more.
The Basic Keelboat Sailing course is approved by the National Association of Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) and the United States Coast Guard as a recognized Safe Boating Course. As such, it meets all requirements for mandatory education and licensing for every state in the United States. Follow this link for detailed course standards.
This Course will enable the skipper to d keelboat of approximately 20 to 27 feet in length by day in light to moderate winds (up to 15 knots) and sea conditions. Knowledge of basic sailing terminology, parts and functions, helm commands, basic sail trim, points of sail, buoyage, seamanship and safety including basic navigation rules to avoid collisions and hazards. Auxiliary power operation is not required.
Course Syllabus
Description: ASA 101, Basic Sailing
Able to skipper a sloop-rigged keelboat of approximately 20 to 27 feet in length by day in light to moderate winds (up to 15 knots) and sea conditions. Knowledge of basic sailing terminology, parts and functions, helm commands, basic sail trim, points of sail, buoyage, seamanship and safety including basic navigation rules to avoid collisions and hazards. Auxiliary power operation is not required.
Basic Sailing Terminology
1. Describe and identify the following sailboat parts and their functions:
- Hull
- Deck
- Transom
- Keel
- Mast
- Boom
- Gooseneck
- Bow
- Stern
- Helm / Tiller /Wheel
- Rudder
- Cockpit
- Cabin
- Standing Rigging
- Shroud
- Spreader
- Chainplate
- Headstay / Forestay
- Backstay
- Stanchion
- Lifeline
- Pulpit
- Winch
- Cleat
- Block
- Fairlead
- Fender
- Docklines
2. Identify and describe the functions of the following sails, sail parts and sail controls:
- Mainsail
- Jib / Genoa
- Head
- Tack
- Clew
- Foot
- Luff
- Leech
- Downhaul / Cunningham
- Batten
- Batten Pocket
- Bolt Rope
- Hank
- Running Rigging
- Halyard
- Mainsheet
- Jibsheets
- Boom Topping Lift
- Boom Vang
- Telltale
- Outhaul
- Traveler
- Shackle
- Roller Furler
3. Define the following terms:
- Port
- Starboard
- Forward
- Aft
- Beam
- Ahead
- Astern
- Abeam
- Windward
- Leeward
- Draft
- Freeboard
- Heel
- Weather helm
- Skipper
- Helmsman
- Crew
Maneuvers & Points of Sail
4. Explain and identify using diagrams the following maneuvers, points of sail, and other terms:
- Head-to-Wind
- No-Sail Zone
- Closed Hauled
- Close Reach
- Beam Reach
- Broad Reach
- Run
- Sailing-by-the-Lee
- In Irons
- Luffing
- Port Tack
- Starboard Tack
- Tacking
- Jibing
- Stand-on
- Give-way
5. Explain and utilize correctly the following helm commands and crew responses:
- “Heading Up”
- “Bearing Away”
- “Ready About” —– “Ready” —– “Helms a-Lee” (or “Coming About” or “Tacking”)
- “Prepare to Jibe” —– “Ready” —– “Jibe-Ho” (or “Jibing”)
Navigation Rules
For items 6 through 12, describe, using diagrams as appropriate, the applicable rules for a 25-foot recreational sailing vessel, as found in the USCG Navigation Rules and Regulations Handbook. Identify the “stand-on” and “give-way” vessel in each situation.
- Look-out, Rule 5.
- Sailing vessels with the wind on different sides (starboard / port), Rule 12(a)(i)
- Sailing vessels with the wind on same side (leeward / windward), Rule 12(a)(ii)
- Sailing vessel on port tack cannot determine windward sailing vessel’s tack, Rule 12(a)(iii)
- Overtaking (Rule 13)
- Power-driven vessels approaching each other head-on (Rule 14)
- Power-driven vessel with another power-driven vessel on starboard side (Rule 15)
- Describe appropriate actions to be taken when sailing in the vicinity of commercial traffic, including responding to a danger signal.
Aids to Navigation
- Identify and state the purpose of lateral aids to navigation by color, shape & numbering, including preferred channel markers.
- Identify safe water, information and regulatory markers.
- Safety Gear & Procedures
- List the federally required equipment for a recreational sailboat of 25-feet in length.
- Identify the location and color of navigation lights used by a recreational vessel of 25-feet in length.
- Describe the purpose of a Float Plan, give examples of information contained therein and to whom it should be submitted.
- Describe when and to whom boating accidents must be reported.
- State the Federal Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) limit for vessel operation.
- Safety Equipment
- Demonstrate the proper use of a lifejacket or personal flotation device (PFD).
A Certified Sailor has successfully demonstrated his or her ability to:
- Rig/hoist/set sails safely and correctly to obtain proper sail trim using the following lines and controls, if available on the practice vessel
- Halyards and/or furling devices
- Downhaul or Cunningham
- Outhaul
- Boom Vang
- Mainsheet
- Jibsheets
- Winches
- Traveler
- Lower/furl/stow sails and coil/flake/stow lines properly
Without coaching or assistance, verbalize appropriate commands and demonstrate competence, safety and good seamanship in the role of Skipper / Helmsman during the maneuvers listed in elements 31 – 42. Honor all aids to navigation and use properly the basic Navigation Rules. Ensure sails are trimmed correctly and the vessel is in control at all times.
- Depart dock or mooring fully ready to get underway safely
- Select and maintain a given tack and course
- Demonstrate how to get out of “irons”
- Head Up
- Bear Away
Next Level Sailing
If you have successfully passed ASA 101 – Basic Keelboat Sailing, you can now take ASA 103.